A Heavenly Man

I only heard Uncle Cockie preach once and it was at my gran's funeral in 2021. Him and Auntie Louisa came out from Standerton and it was such a privilege to hear him preach - it my gran's request and so it was very special.

He spoke about heaven and about how when we meet Jesus, his glory is going to overwhelm us. And, you know, when I heard that he had died, that sermon came back to me! It took on a whole new significance as I could picture him meeting his Lord. Listen to some of these words that he said in this sermon.

The Glory of the Risen Christ

“I wonder if you and I see him as he is, what will our reaction be? How will we handle it?

In Revelations, the first chapter we read, John was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day, and he had a close encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. He heard a voice speaking and he turned around to see who it was that was speaking to him. And when he saw him, it wasn't what he saw before Jesus ascended to heaven.

He tells us in the first chapter, the glory that he beheld! When he saw the glory of the Lord Jesus, he just dropped down like someone was dead! It was too great for Him to handle the glory that emanated from the risen Christ! Majesty, inexpressible, unexplainable!

Glory Overshadowing Our Questions

And I heard many people say, “When I get to heaven, I'm going to ask Jesus why this and why that, and why did you do this and why didn't you do this and why...” I don't want to go to heaven with all my burdens and trials carrying in and wanting an answer!

At the moment you and I will see him, we will have no more questions. The Bible says when we get to heaven, we will not only know in part, but we will know all things. Know as we are known. We will have no more questions.

Glory Overshadowing Our Burdens

And I think when we get to heaven and we see the glory that is being revealed to us, we won't even worry about what we've gone through. We won't even think about all the trials and the troubles. Just to enter into that glory will cause all our questions and trials and tears and troubles to just vanish away.

That will be glory for me. Hallelujah!

A Good and Faithful Servant

Hallelujah. Indeed, I can picture Uncle Cockie like all the faithful saints before him, falling at Jesus’ feet and Jesus saying, “Rise, my child, you are precious. Well done, good and faithful servant. I hope you've enjoyed this week my friends. Go well. May God bless you and may we to look forward to the day when Jesus receives us in glory.


I Will Give Thanks With All My Heart


A Hard-Working Man