A Leper’s Transformation

A Leper’s Transformation

As I’ve already mentioned, Wally Herron did great work among the lepers in Bolivia. One amazing story is of a lady named Otilia, who wanted nothing to do with these missionaries who came to try and help her. She refused to talk to Margaret, who was one of Wally’s associates who tried to share the gospel with her, and so Margaret got up to leave Otilia’s home but felt prompted to pray for her. So she prayed, and then she gave Otilia her Bible as a gift.

Otilia later said this: “When I read the Word of God, especially the gospels of Matthew and John, I felt I had passed from darkness into the light. All alone with the Lord, I came to know that only in Christ had I found peace and salvation. So I confessed my sins to God all alone, and accepted the salvation He offers. I received Christ then as my personal Saviour. Then I gave my testimony to everyone I saw! When anyone would come to see me, I would tell him that I had been converted.”

Transformed by Grace: The Power of Faith and Witness

Otilia was so powerfully changed that she led many others to God as they saw what a radiant and loving person she had become through God’s grace. And amazingly, her body also began to get better when she believed – proving the connection between body and soul.

Otilia said this: “My eleven years of suffering were a terrible trial. But they are well worth it. Not only have I come to know the Lord through it, but now two of my brothers are in the ministry. If it were only for them, it would have been worth it.”

Wally saw this lady do such amazing work among the people and thought back to his atheist friend who exclaimed “there is no God!” and how that inspired him to keep working among the lepers. Praise God for touching the lives of those lepers through Wally and the missionaries!

Two thoughts today: First, is there somebody you can pray for and give a Bible to? Who knows what a difference it might make in somebody’s life if we are bold enough to say a prayer, and leave them with the Word of God. You could be part of changing somebody’s life around completely through a small act of love like that.

Reflecting Christ: Let Your Light Shine Bright

Secondly, do people see the light of Christ in you like they did in Otilia? Or do people see a gloomy spiritual countenance which turns them away? The Bible talks about us believers being light in a dark world, and salt in a world that needs preservation and flavour. Otilia passionately shared Jesus with her world, how about you? How about me?

God saved us so that we could share his love with others. Let others see Christ in you today, as you walk in His ways and love people with His love.

Perhaps others will come to Christ through your witness, like many did through Otilia the leper.


How Generous Are You?


Inspired by Blasphemy