Are You Ashamed of Your Sin?

Jesus forgives a man on a mat

It's interesting to me that when these men lowered their friend down in front of Jesus, Jesus said to this man, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”

I think that Jesus looked at him and saw what nobody else saw. Maybe they saw a paralyzed man and were expecting him to be miraculously healed, which still happened later in the story.

Freed From Shame First

But I think Jesus firstly looked at him and saw a man who needed his sins forgiven, who needed to be free of his shame. And I wonder if you need this? Maybe you're ashamed of your sin. Maybe if you honestly open yourself up before Jesus, you realize that there are things there that are not going to make him happy. There are things there that shame you, because you know that it's not the way you should live.

But as you come before Jesus friends know this: He looks at you and he sees your deepest needs. And our deepest needs are always spiritual first, and physical later. Our deepest needs are for the grace of God to touch us and to heal the brokenness of our souls.

Jesus Calls Us Friends

Jesus saw this man in front of him and said, “Your sins or forgiven.” And friends, Jesus looks at you today, and if you have come to him and presented yourself to him and said, “This is who I am,” he will look at you and see your faith and the faith of those around you have brought you to him and say, “Friend” - notice that word “friend”, not servant or slave - “friend... Your sins are forgiven.”

Oh, there's nothing like knowing the forgiveness of Jesus! There's nothing like knowing that your stains can be washed away and in God's eyes, you can be cleansed. Friends, in this moment receive it by faith, receive His cleansing and hear him saying these words over you, “friend. Your sins are forgiven.”

Do you know it? Do you believe it? Are you going to live in it today? Don't be ashamed of your sin, but know his forgiveness, which is free, paid for by Jesus on the cross.

All you've got to do is receive it in faith and say, “Thank you, Lord, for washing me clean!”


Are You Sitting on Your Mat?


Are You Carrying Your Friends?