Be Amazed at the Servant King

Be Amazed at the Servant King

Jesus told us to be ready for his coming, because it will happen quite quickly. And he said these wonderful words in Luke 12:37-38:

“It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. Truly I tell you, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them. It will be good for those servants whose master finds them ready, even if he comes in the middle of the night or toward daybreak” (Luke 12:37–38 NIV11)

I wonder if you have ever realized this? When Jesus comes again, he will come to serve those who are waiting for Him.

The Profound Promise of Service: A Revelation of Jesus' Second Coming

Typically, when we think of the second coming, we think of Jesus coming with power and vengeance. We think of his first coming as the time when salvation was graciously offered to all nations, and his second coming as the time when he will come and cleanse the earth of remaining evil and make all things new. And this is certainly true, a full reading of the Bible shows that Jesus’ second coming will not be good news for everybody, because he will come back with judgement and justice for those who have rejected him.

But for those who are waiting and ready, with their hearts set on Him, He has this wonderful offer. And it reminds me of what he did the night he died – he knelt before his disciples with a towel around his waist and washed their feet. Here in Luke’s Gospel he claims that he will do something similar when he comes again: He will dress himself to serve, have his followers recline at the table, and then wait on them or serve them.

What an amazing thought! In fact a German Bible scholar named Bengel believed that verse 37 is the greatest promise in all God’s word. I can see why he thought that. You see, a master never serves his slaves. Especially in a traditional Jewish setting in which Jesus told this story. The master would certainly be the one who was served, not the one who did the serving.

The Eternal Model: Emulating Jesus, the Servant King

But this is Jesus! In the words of an old song,

This is our God, the servant King
He calls us now to follow Him
To bring our lives as a daily offering
Of worship to the servant King

Jesus is the servant King, and He will continue to be the servant King always.

In the meantime, you and I are called to emulate him. To give our lives in homage to him – and so just as he is a servant, waiting on others and washing their feet, so we do the same to those around us, with His love shining from our eyes as we do.

Be amazed today at the servant King, who will wait on his servants when he comes again. And give your life to serve as He serves.


Be Faithful and Wise


Be ready