Using What You Have For God

Well I so enjoyed this book about Bill Wilson, and there were so many little gems that I'm going to share some more with you next week. But to close this week, here are some words that he wrote in his diary about the pictures that he drew. He said, “There's one thing I've always felt God meant me for: to show his glorious beauty to others who haven't had the opportunity of finding out the things that are so beautiful in the country.” And so he would draw these pictures and he saw this as his way of spreading God's beauty in his drawings. And they were really good. If you just do a Google search of Edward Wilson's sketches, you'll find many.

Using Your Talents and Passions

I think this is the goal as Christians - it's to find a way to use your talents and your passions for good and for God's glory. Some, of course, are more obvious. Some people can paint pictures, some people can write songs. Some people can preach. But really, every gift you have is an opportunity to share God's love. How are you using your abilities to point people to God?

  • Maybe you can teach. And so you have students who you can love with the love of God.

  • Maybe you're a businessman. And so you work with great integrity and honesty because that is God's way.

  • Maybe you've just got a phone and you can phone people in your life and support them and encourage them and love them.

  • Maybe you've got two feet and you can walk to somebody's door close to you and just spend some time with them loving them.

Using Your Life For the Welfare of Others

You see, in the end, it's less about your talent and more about treating people with compassion. Early in his life, Wilson wrote this in a letter to somebody. "This is the most fascinating ideal I can ever imagine, to become entirely careless of your own soul or body in looking after the welfare of others." Now, perhaps that's a little extreme. Self-care is important, of course, but being so dedicated to the welfare of others is what life is all about.

That's what Jesus was all about. And friends, that's what you and I should be all about. Are you giving your talents and your life for the welfare of others? Bill Wilson inspired me to do this as I read his book, and I pray that you'll be inspired today to use whatever gifts you have for the welfare of others.

So I pray that your weekend will be one of serving with great joy!


Using Our Time Wisely


God in Nature