Blessed To Be a Blessing

God calls Abram away from his father's household into a new land and he says this in verse 2 of Genesis 12: “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you. I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.”

Did you see those two flip sides of the word bliss? God says to him, “I will bless you and you will be a blessing.” Why does God bless his people? So that they can be a blessing to others!

How Has God Blessed You?

What has God blessed you with, I wonder? What blessings do you enjoy, my friend? Maybe you have money and possessions. A beautiful home, lovely clothes, lots of food. More than enough. Why has God blessed you with these things? Well, so that you can be a blessing. So you can use your money and your home and whatever else God has given you to bless others.

Maybe God has blessed you with certain talents. You're very good at something. How are you going to use what you're good at, what God has blessed you with to be a blessing to others?

And of course, it's true that God has blessed you with life, with time, with a day to live.

What Will You Do With Your Blessings?

Are you going to take that blessing and be a blessing to others? Just as God blessed Abram so that he would be a blessing to others, friends God has blessed you in whatever ways He has so that you will be a blessing. Go into your day today, thanking God for the blessings that you have, and then using them to be a blessing to others.


Blessing With Jesus


Called to Sacrifice