Childlike Humility

The Kingdom of God is for Children - Childlike Humility

So in what ways do we need to become like children, to enter the kingdom of God? Notice how this passage began: “At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”” (Matthew 18:1 NIV11)

This is seen often in the gospels. The disciples started to think that since they were followers of Jesus, they were special. They were awesome. And they were gonna be considered great by all for eternity!

There are scenes in the gospels when these men following Jesus actually fought and bickered over this. They all wanted to be the main man.

And Jesus, seeing them starting to think this way, says: Ok, you want to be great? Forget about positions of importance and status. Become like a child. Become like the one who is lowest on the totem pole, and find greatness.

Value Childlike Humility

Have you noticed that children don’t care anything for status? But man, we adults can take our status very very seriously! Men have often struggled with this. Many men seem to have this desire to dominate. To be the Alpha male! Right!? I have to prove myself here, I have to show that I am a real man among men! It’s a real struggle for many men when they are around others who earn more than them, or drive better cars, or have more responsibility in the workplace. Although in today’s world of feminism and the like, we’ve seen that this can be true for anybody, not just men.

That’s what was happening here– two of the disciples were saying I want to be more impressive. I want the important spot. Jesus says to these two Alpha males - it’s not about your status or your dominance or the impression you make. It’s about humbling yourself and being a child of God!

Here’s a tough question: Do you find your worth in your position, your status, the amount of respect you’re given? Or do you find your self-worth in the fact that you are a precious child of God?

You’ll never find peace if you are looking to find self-worth through the admiration of others. But you will never lack peace if you find your self-worth in your status as a child of God.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you stop aiming for success. It doesn’t mean you don’t use your abilities and strive to improve and excel. Remember – there are childish ways that we must leave behind, and a childish lack of improvement and growth is certainly not what Jesus means here.

Embrace God's Values

But it means that your striving forward in life becomes a means to glorify GOD and not yourself! Albert Einstein said “Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value”.

What does God value? Childlike humility. When his children are less concerned with pushing for their own glory, but rather spend their lives showing forth the glory of God.

That’s a life of eternal value. That’s the type of childlike humility I long for.  Like a child I must become humble if I want to enter the kingdom of God.

Let’s put aside our quest for status… and descend… so that we may find God’s kingdom in humility.


Childlike Trust


Children’s Church