God Remembers

Do you believe in angels?

I suppose if I had to ask you to share with me your experiences of angels, many of you would have stories to tell.

Angels fill the Bible. In the Old Testament we often see appearances of “the” angel of the Lord. When you see that, it is Jesus in pre-human form.

There are other instances where we read of “an” angel of the Lord. These are celestial beings, created by God to worship Him who are often used by God to bring messages to his people. They are also warriors, fighting spiritual battles with evil beings, we see evidence of this in the Bible as well.

Now, this is not the time or place for an in-depth study on angels! But have you noticed, that at the time of Jesus’ birth, there seemed to be angels everywhere? Read Luke 1 and 2, and Matthew 1 and 2, and you see angels all over the place.

I wonder, if the message the angels brought that first Christmas is the same message that you and I should hold onto for Christmas 2023!

Divine Remembrance: Zechariah's Message of Hope

This week we are going to look at the angel who brought a message to Zechariah. Zechariah was married to Elizabeth, the cousin of Mary who would give birth to Jesus. His name means “the Lord remembered”.

There’s something amazing about that isn’t there? The Lord remembered

For years the Jews had been waiting for their promised Messiah, and many had begun to lose hope. But God came onto the scene at that moment and he announced it to a man whose very name contained the message.

God DOES remember.
God IS at work.
God WILL do what He promised. He hasn’t forgotten.

Perhaps you need to hear this today. Perhaps you’re thinking that God has forgotten you. Or that he has overlooked your situation. Or that he doesn’t care.

God's Unwavering Promise: Remembering His Faithful

Know today, my friend, God remembers His people. He hasn’t forgotten His faithful ones. He is gracious and kind and compassionate, and His grace is at work in the lives of His people.

Maybe this message today is an angelic message to you. Maybe “Zechariah” can be more than a name to you this week, but a promise.

Hold onto this promise friends, because what God promises is true.

And He has promised to always remember His people. You can count on that.


God’s Perfect Timing


Be Aware