Grateful for People

Grateful for People

As the year draws to a close, I want to finish it in a place of gratitude!

This is a strong theme in the Bible. Time and time again we are called to live lives of radical thankfulness, and for me the end of the year is always a time to look back with a grateful heart and thank God for the blessings He gifted me with over the last 12 months.

So this week I want to share some P’s that I am grateful for. To start with, I am grateful for people in my life – be they family, friends, colleagues, or even strangers.

Gratitude for People: A Daily Reflection

I mentioned in a sermon the other day that the only things from this life that we will see in the next life are the people who are saved by the grace of Jesus. And I also said that when God takes His place in the centre of our lives, He always brings His people with Him. You can’t have God without His people!

Are you grateful today for the people that were part of your life in 2023?

Here’s a little exercise that you might want to try: at the end of the day, write down everybody that you came into contact with that day. And then pray for them! As you do that, you might realise: I might have done this differently, or handled that conversation better. Or you might be celebrating great moments with great people. This is a nice way to remember that people are central in your life.

Who are you grateful for today? My life wouldn’t be the same if it wasn’t for the precious people who I love and who love me.

Expressing Gratitude: People & Blessings

Perhaps we should all commit today to taking a moment to thank somebody for being a part of our lives. It could be through a phone call, a message, a conversation. But if you’re grateful for somebody, don’t leave that gratitude unexpressed. Tell them! What a difference it might make if you tell them!

And perhaps we should all also commit to taking a moment to thank God for the precious people in our lives. How different 2023 would look if it wasn’t for the people you and I interacted with this year!

So join me in being grateful today, and saying “thank You Lord for blessing me with wonderful people who make my life what it is.”


Grateful for Pleasures


He is The Reason