Help the Weak

We're still in 1 Thessalonians 5:14 where Paul has said to us that we should “warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, and help the weak”.

Help the weak, he says. This sounds similar to the last statement to encourage the disheartened. But some of us are just weak and unable to help ourselves, and in that case, we need the church. We need our brothers and sisters in Christ to help us along.

Extending a Helping Hand: Acts of Kindness for the Weak and Vulnerable

Are there people in your church, in your circle, who are weak and have lost their strength? Maybe they've been weakened by illness, maybe by age, maybe by hardships. Maybe they're unable to do the simplest things. Help them, friends. Help them.

How can you help somebody today? What can you do to help a weak person today? Maybe you're driving along and you see somebody who needs some help, who needs clothes, something to eat. Will you help them? Maybe today's the day you go visit that lonely person in your church. Maybe today's the day you go to the hospital to help someone who is weak. Maybe today you make a phone call, and share some love with a person who has no strength. Maybe you drop off a meal at a friend's house so they don't have to cook today or this week. Maybe you pray with somebody, for God's strength to be with them,

Prayer and Action: Empowering the Weak in Our Christian Faith

But maybe you’re the weak one. Maybe you're sitting here thinking, I can't really even do anything for myself these days. Well, pray. Pray, pray, pray for the weak.  Pray for the people in your life who need strength. God hears our prayers and that's something you can do to help!

Let's not be helpless Christians. And I mean that in a particular way. I mean, let's not be Christians who don't help anybody. I mean, what good would it be if we theorize all day long and never help? Paul says to us to help the weak, and I pray that you and I will help somebody today!


Be Patient With Everyone


Encourage the Disheartened