A Heart for People

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Hezekiah daily devotion

Let’s end our time talking about Hezekiah by noting that he really cared for his people.

When the people came to worship, we read this: “Although most of the many people who came from Ephraim, Manasseh, Issachar and Zebulun had not purified themselves, yet they ate the Passover, contrary to what was written. But Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, “May the LORD, who is good, pardon everyone who sets their heart on seeking God—the LORD, the God of their ancestors—even if they are not clean according to the rules of the sanctuary.” And the LORD heard Hezekiah and healed the people.” (2 Chronicles 30:18–20 NIV11)

 You see, he loved to worship together with people even if they were unclean, and even if they hadn’t done things quite the way the religious laws required.

He just loved these people so much! And so he pleads with God, “even though they have not done this quite the right way… cleanse them, heal them, help them!”

And God did that.

Hezekiah Points Us To Jesus

Hezekiah again points us to Jesus in this way. Jesus had a way of inviting people whose hearts were in the right place even if they didn’t follow the letter of the law.

Remember the Prodigal Son? Jesus tells the story of a boy who insulted his Father, took his inheritance and left home, only to blow it all, and end up eating with the pigs on someone’s farm.

According the to Jewish law, this would have made him ceremonially unclean. And yet when he returns home to his Father, the man throws his arms around him in love! Jewish listeners would have been shocked!!!

But Jesus was illustrating that following the letter of the law was not God’s great concern. He is willing to accept anyone who comes to him with a heart of repentance and a desire for relationship.

Hezekiah foreshadows this in his reign as king. Allowing those who wanted to come and worship God even if they weren’t religious enough.

Come As You Are to a Loving God

Know today, that God loves you. Know today that God isn’t checking to see that you’ve followed all the ceremonial laws to make yourself clean.

Come as you are! Come as you are to the cross and find a God who welcomes you with open arms and promises to forgive you if you have faith.

Offering Hezekiah-like Love

And oh friends, let’s care for each other, with this Hezekiah-like compassion. Let’s help each other connect with God, with grace and mercy in our attitudes. Let’s show the love of Hezekiah - and more so, the love of Jesus - by not judging and abusing those who aren’t as religious as us… but offering them grace and love.

In the end, Hezekiah could have been so committed to focusing on good and being rid of bad that it could have made him proud and heartless. This is just what happened to the Pharisees in Jesus’ day. SO focused on their own hearts that they forgot that God is all about loving others.

Get the balance right. Yes, be holy and pure but reach out to others in love as Hezekiah did and as Christ did.


Renewing Our Vows


A Heart for Worship