Jesus at Creation

Jesus - A Life in Ten Pictures - Jesus at Creation

A few weeks ago I was sitting on a plane. One of the videos that was available for us to watch on our little screens was called “A Life in Ten Pictures”. And there were a few different episodes looking at the lives of different celebrities like Freddie Mercury and Amy Winehouse and people like that.

There were ten photographs of these people throughout their lives, and they got different people who were involved in their lives to comment on the photos and try to explain who this person was through the pictures.

As I sat there I thought: “I wonder how we could do Jesus' life in ten pictures?” I'm going to give it a try for the next ten days and you'll see the little pictures on the photo that I send out with this devotion all kind of link up with what I'm saying.

Jesus: Creator and Co-Existence

To start we have to go way back to the very beginning and look at what John 1 says about Jesus: “In the beginning was the Word”. When he says the Word he's talking about Jesus - you can see that when later he says “the Word became flesh and lived among us”, talking about Jesus.

But here he says in the beginning was the Word - Jesus - “and the Word was with God and the Word was God”. He was with God in the beginning. Can you picture Jesus today with God in the beginning before anything was created? There was God three-in-one: Father, Spirit and Son, Jesus Himself.

And verse 3 says, “through him all things were made. Without him nothing was made that has been made.” Beautiful words and Paul echoes this in Colossians 1:16 where he says, “in him (in Jesus) all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities, all things have been created through him and for him.”

Eternal Godhead Revealed

Long before Jesus became a human he was already God. Long before the world was created Jesus was, and he was the one (along with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, three-in-one) who made the universe as we know it.

And so I hope today that we have a big picture of Jesus., seeing him not just as a man who lived and did some good things but as one who was with God the Father from the beginning, from before time and the one through whom all life came into being.

He is a big God! Let your picture of Jesus be a huge one because he is great, greater than we could ever imagine. Everything in this world was created by him and through him.

Worship him today. And give him glory because this is who he is.


Jesus the Angel of the Lord


Seek Joy in God