Jesus Fills Ordinary Lives

Jesus Fills Ordinary Lives

I spoke yesterday about being on an adventure for God and sucking the marrow out of life. But on the other hand, you don’t have to fly planes to other countries to live a full life for God.

Catherine Marshall once wrote a book entitled Adventures in Prayer. Isn’t that a thought?  Imagine being so in tune with God that prayer is an adventure! Imagine the lives changed when we pray with a sense of adventure! Imagine the intercession we’d be capable of if we truly believed that our adventurous prayers were heard by the God of the universe!

Maybe you’re bedridden. Hardly able to move. You can still live life to the full. Because it’s not about the external stuff, it’s about life with God!!!

Living Life to the Fullest: A Mission for God

I guess for most of us, we’ll land somewhere in the middle of those two. And we can still live life to the full. Jesus came to show us how: He REALLY lived – because he spent his life on a mission for God.

You want to REALLY live? To suck the marrow out of life? Get on an adventure with God in your daily life. Paul wrote this: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters” (Colossians 3:23 NIV). Get on a mission for God in your ordinary, every day working life, and DO IT WITH ALL YOUR HEART FOR THE GLORY OF GOD.

Life in all its fullness is being filled with the love of God, and staking your life on that love every day. And living and breathing to show that to others in the way you are, the way you speak, the way you organise your life.

Embracing the Extraordinary in Ordinary Life with Jesus

REAL living can happen for you and I in our ordinary lives. When we see our ordinary lives as an adventure with Jesus.

Are you living for Him? Are you jumping out of bed in the morning because you can’t wait to get the Word of God and see what treasures He has in store for you? Are you rushing to your bedside to kneel and pray because time with God is the sweetest tasting thing to your soul? Are you heading into your workplace or your home life, with a heart full of love, ready to SPEND YOURSELF on loving like Jesus loved??

Jesus brings life. And Jesus fills life. When we live life his way… we find life to the full. We REALLY live, even in the most ordinary places.


Jesus Extends Life


Jesus Fills Life