My God is Trustworthy

The God I Know (Psalm 145) - My God is Trustworthy

We’re learning a lot about God’s character from Psalm 145, and today let’s go to verse 13, which says “The LORD is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.”

We live in a world where trustworthiness is uncommon. Knowing who to trust is not easy anymore. And I guess it’s always been this way – we learn from the New Testament that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). So he can appear trustworthy and then lead you astray. And many people are like this – appearing solid and good and trustworthy, but in the end, they lead you off a cliff.

But the Bible claims over and over again that God is trustworthy, and that He is true to His promises. And we need to believe this! Robert Shibbes wrote this: "It is atheism to pray and not to wait in hope. A sincere Christian will pray, wait, strengthen his heart with the promises, and never leave praying and looking up till God gives him a gracious answer."

Trusting God Fully

As Christians we scour God’s Word for His promises to His people, and then we take them to heart, praying with much fervent hope and expectation that His promises will be fulfilled.

In fact did you know that the word “Amen” is an acrostic, formed from the first letters of three Hebrew words which mean “the Lord is trustworthy”? So every time you say “amen”, you are saying “My God is trustworthy. I leave this prayer with Him in certain faith that He has heard and will see to it.”

Now, the tricky part in this, is that we think we know how God should run our lives. So when He doesn’t do what we want, we think He is unfaithful and untrustworthy. Real faith says “I don’t know how you’re gonna do it Father, but I trust that You will. Show me how to do what You will. May Your will be done in my life.”

Faith in God

Now that’s not easy. To trust God enough to only move in your life when He sees the right thing, and when His timing is right – that is hard.

But remember that when we say amen at the end of our prayers, we’re declaring our trust in Him. In His methods, His timing, His ways which are not our ways.

Psalm 145:13 is right when it declares God’s trustworthiness. May it be that we simply have the faith to believe that God will come through in the way that He knows is best.


My God is Near


My God is Good to All