Physical Trumps Spiritual

Physical Trumps Spiritual

Let’s go into the New Testament to see some other schemes of the enemy and how we can be aware of them and avoid them. In Luke 4, Jesus goes out to the desert to fast and prepare for his ministry, and the devil comes to him and starts to tempt him. More schemes!

In verse 3 the devil says to him, “If you're the son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Here we see how the devil can appeal to our needs, our legitimate needs to try and pull us away from God.

Balancing Physical Needs and Spiritual Life: A Christian Perspective

We all have legitimate needs in life. We are all human. And we have bodies that need certain things. But we are supposed to live in control of our bodies. The enemy so often tries to tempt us with physical things, tempt us with food when we shouldn't eat food, with sexual activity outside of its right place, with material things that have a place but get distorted by him. These are legitimate needs, but if we pursue them in less than godly ways, they become sin.

I wonder how many of us separate our physical needs from our spiritual lives. But Jesus’ answer here was “Man shall not live on bread alone.” There's more to life than fulfilling my physical needs, in other words. And right now, the physical will detract from the spiritual.

Prioritizing the Spiritual Over the Physical: A Call to Align with God's Will

I wonder if you and I need to say that, more often in our day: “right now, the physical will detract from the spiritual. I need to stand firm in this temptation and deny my body for the sake of my spirit.”

Friends, our physical desires need to align with God. Don't listen to the devil’s schemes where He tries to pull you away and say, Oh, just do what you feel is right. Put God first! Honour God first!

And you know what? Your body will be healthier for it, and your soul will certainly be richer for it.


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