Step 4 - Delight

Step 4 - Delight

There’s one more step in my little strategy for when temptation comes. And it’s the word delight.

You see for the longest time I thought that resisting temptation was all about denying myself pleasure for something less pleasurable. I thought that choosing God was the right thing to do – not really that nice or enjoyable, but right.

I never knew until recent years that denying myself sin meant opening myself up to greater delight! Greater pleasure! Greater joy!

Choosing God with Delight Over Temptation

So once I’ve gone through A – awareness of temptations, B – belief in His power and cleansing, C – control in His strength, I have to go on to D and say “Lord I choose you. YOU are my delight! You are a far superior pleasure for me! I love you!

If I miss this part out, I would be like a husband saying to his wife: I really want to commit adultery, but it’s best that I just deny myself and stay with you. What an insult! Do we treat God like that? I really want sin Lord, but I guess I’ll just stick it out with you instead.

Or do we say “it’s my great joy to be with you! It’s the greatest pleasure and delight to be with you my Lord, and so I will gladly control myself and stay close to you!”

Finding Strength in Denying Lesser Pleasures for Greater Beauty

Steve Dewitt, in an article called “Overcome Sexual Temptation With Beauty”, writes this:

“Too often we try to deal with… temptation with mere denial. While there is an element of abstention in the pursuit of holiness, denial of a lesser pleasure for the sake of a greater pleasure is the Christian’s best weapon.”

Whenever you deal with temptation, don’t see it as a moment in which you must deny yourself something good for something right but tasteless. See it instead as a moment to deny yourself something pleasurable for something more pleasurable and beautiful. Because there is nothing more beautiful and wonderful than being in close fellowship with God! Don’t ruin that for the sake of some quick worldly pleasure that will leave you feeling emptier than before.

Thank you for listening this week friends, a reminder that those who support me on Patreon or via donations get an exclusive extra devotion on Saturdays.


Copying Jesus


Step 3 - Control