Daily Devotion Under Attack

By this point in the story of Saul and David, Saul has kind of lost his mind. He ordered his guards to kill the priests. And he also killed all the inhabitants and livestock of a city nearby.

But one man survived. And in 1 Samuel 22:20 we see him escape to also join David up in the cave. David says to him in verse 23 “Stay with me. Don't be afraid. The man who wants to kill you is trying to kill me, too. You will be safe with me.” And so those who were under attack could also come and find refuge with David.

Christians Under Attack

Again, there is this connection with Jesus here. Because Jesus often said to his disciples, If they're going to try attack you, it's because they hate me.

When we are under attack, we can go and stay with Jesus to be safe. So many times David himself calls God his stronghold. His stronghold! That is a picture of a place of safety to flee to when you're under attack where the enemy can't get you.

Attacked by Temptation

Are you fleeing to God as you deal with the attacks that come your way? You know, friends, the enemy is always after us in some way. He's always trying to tempt us, attacking us with temptation so that hopefully we will fall into sin and disconnect ourselves from God. When temptation comes, friends, when you're attacked with arrows of temptation to do things you know you shouldn't, or to avoid things you know you should, go to God! Take it to God, and He will help you to withstand those attacks.

Attacked by Hardships

When the enemy is coming at you in other ways too - knocking your health, knocking your finances, knocking your faith, flee to God! Hear God’s words to you today thre in verse 23: “Stay with me. And don't be afraid.” Don't be afraid of friends. Don't be afraid of the spiritual attacks of this world. God is greater. God is stronger.

God is Stronger than the Enemy 

Do you need to hear today that God is stronger than your enemy? Do you need to hear today that God is bigger than whatever is coming at you? Do you need to go to God today and say, "I believe. I believe I placed my faith in you, Lord, you are in control and I trust in you”?

 In this life, attacks are going to come. But friends, when they do go straight to God, be held by him. And remember that in his hands you are in the safest place of all.


Don’t Stay in the Stronghold


The Discontented