The End of This Life… and the Next

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So we get to the last verse, a deep, meaningful set of words. Listen to them.

And on that day, when my strength is failng
The end draws near and my time had come
Still my soul will sing Your praise unending
10,000 years and then forevermore

And so right at the end, the songwriter’s saying, still my heart is going to sing.

A Dying Friend

I went to visit a friend not so long ago who was very sick, very sick. He had gone from quite healthy to very sick in a matter of weeks. Sitting next to his bed I was praying, “Lord, don't let this man suffer. Bring his suffering to an end.”

I looked at him. I saw his strength fading, his time here, and he could hardly really even speak as I sat next to his bed. But he lifted his hand and I took it and we prayed. And he said to me, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” I said, “God is with you.” And he said, “Yes, yes, I know.”

And even though he was in pain and even though he was struggling, there was a sense of worship there. There was a sense of peace deep down. Even though his body was struggling.

Praising At the End

You know what? I want to reach the end with praise on my lips. I want to reach the end singing! Because you know what? On the other side the song will continue.

10,000 years and then forevermore. This always reminds me of Amazing Grace, which also talks about “when we've been there 10,000 years. Bright shining as the sun, we have no last days to sing God's praise than when we first begun.” I love it. Here Matt Redman and Jonas Myrin say “we've got 10,000 years and forever more to sing God's praise.”

And so don't let something like death stop you singing. Sing right to the end. And then on the other side, lift up your new voice, youre flawless voice that you're given in another place.

Our Lost Loved Ones are Singing

And maybe today, you need to think about your own loved ones who have gone and who you know are safe in the Lord's presence. Can you picture them singing, gathering around the throne and just pouring out their praise to him?

The other day a friend and I was just reflecting on how David Phelps is an amazing singer. If you go check out David Phelps, you'll see what I mean. And she said, “I can't wait for the day in heaven when I sing with him.” And I thought, “Yes, but believe me, my eyes aren't going to be on David Phelps in heaven.” As amazing as his voice is, my eyes are going to be on the God who is rich in love, abounding in mercy, and who saved my soul and brought me there by his grace!

Sing today, friends, and sing at the end, so that you may sing again in your new life in God's presence.


WHOLLY Significant


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