There’s Nothing to Fear Now

"There's Nothing to Fear Now" - A reassuring message encapsulated in a visual, instilling a sense of calm and tranquility by conveying that the present moment holds no reason for apprehension or anxiety.

Phil Wickham’s song Battle Belongs is a favourite for many of us – and it teaches us something powerful about fear. Listen to his words:

And as I walk through the shadow, Your love surrounds me
There’s nothing to fear now, for I am safe with You

We all walk through shadows in life, dark patches where we feel cold and unsure of things. But God’s wonderful promise is to surround us as we walk through the shadowy valleys, so that we have nothing to fear.

In fact, listen to the famous words of David in Psalm 23. He writes “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4 NIV11)

Lay Fears at God's Feet

For David, even in the darkest, shadow-filled valley, he declared that he would not fear, because his God was with him. Or to use the words of Phil Wickham’s song, God’s love surrounded him.

Can we say the same thing today? That even when we walk through valleys and shadows, we will believe in God’s love and protection, and so we will not fear?

Later in the song, during the chorus, Wickham mentions fear again:

And every fear I lay at your feet, I’ll sing through the night
O God the battle belongs to You

He says that he will lay every fear at God’s feet. And so this is an act of the will. It is a purposeful thing – he is not just hoping that his fears disappear, but he is purposefully bringing them to God in prayer, and releasing them to God so that they will not have a hold on him.

Have you done this recently? Taken your fears to God in prayer, and laid them out? And what I mean by that is, telling God what you are afraid of, and then declaring your trust in His ability to protect and keep you safe.

Overcome Fears with Deep Faith

You see, it is only when we are confident of God’s presence that our fears lose their power. What we need, to live free of fear, is a deep, deep faith that God is truly with us, and that nothing is stronger than God and His presence.

What fears are at the surface of your soul today? What fears are bubbling up, threatening to overwhelm you and make your year a miserable one?

I encourage you today to go to God with those fears, lay them at His feet in faith, and walk on in the confidence that He walks with you and will surround you with His love.

Then, whatever comes your way, you can sing with Phil Wickham “there’s nothing to fear now, for I am safe with my God!”


I’ll Fight on My Knees


What We See vs What God Sees