They wanted a place... we want a person

They wanted a place... we want a person

As we look at Psalm 137, the Jews in exile were longing to go back home to the land and the city that they loved most. In verse 5 we read, “If I forget you Jerusalem, May my right hand forget its skill.” In verse 6, “May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you. If I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy. “

Now that's an odd phrase to me - considering a city their highest joy. Of course, the city represented God. We must remember that. It represented God's kingdom, it represented God's presence to them. And so when Jerusalem was taken captive, it was an unthinkable disaster for the Jews because they thought, How can our God have been defeated?

Joy in God

But again, this changed in the New Testament because instead of a place being the highest joy of the people, it was God Himself who became our highest joy. We don't say that a particular place is our highest joy. We say that our Saviour, our God Himself is our highest joy.

We need to remember, friends that in the end all the places in this world are temporary. Even the most beautiful church that is sacred and has all sorts of wonderful memories for you, in the end will fall to pieces. You can't consider it your highest joy. You need to consider your God your highest joy.

Worship Anywhere, Anytime

In fact, Jesus spoke about this in John chapter 4 speaking to the woman at the well. She tried to ask him about why Jews are interested in Jerusalem, but her ancestors worshipped on the mountain. And Jesus said “the time was coming where it wouldn't matter if it was on a mountain or in Jerusalem. But the Father is seeking worshipers who worship in spirit and in truth.”

You know what? You can worship in spirit and in truth anywhere. If you're in captivity in Babylon, whatever that might symbolize in your life; if you're in a jail cell like Paul and Silas as we spoke about yesterday, you can worship in spirit and in truth. It's not about the place!

Value God Above

And so remember that you can worship anywhere. Now this doesn't mean you mustn't go to church. It doesn't mean you mustn't plug into a community of believers and go to worship with them and all of that. That's important for our growth.

But don't value your church building above the Saviour. Don't make the mistake that Israelites did in Psalm 137 saying “Jerusalem is my highest joy.”

But consider God your highest joy and His people your church.


They rejoiced, but we mourn at our enemy's death


They couldn't sing... We can