Turn Your Ear to His Word

Turn Your Ear to His Word

Many of you have joined me for a two year Bible journey, going through the whole Bible in two years. And if you'd like to do that, by the way, you can find it on my website. Currently, one of the places we're reading from is the book of Proverbs, and it's just been jam packed with wisdom, of course.

At the bottom of Proverbs four, there's a great little section which really got me thinking, and I want to share my thoughts on it this week. Verse 20 starts like this: “My son, pay attention to what I say. Turn your ear to my words.”

Choosing What to Listen to: The Power of Words and Their Impact on Our Lives

Turn your ear to my words. Pay attention to what I'm saying. We can give our attention and we can listen to all sorts of things in this world. In fact, we live in a time where there's basically no more silence. You can have the radio going all day long or the TV on. You can listen to stuff on your phone all the time. What are you listening to most of all? What words are you allowing into your mind and paying attention to that or shaping the way that you do life?

Solomon goes on in verse 21 to say, “Keep my words in your heart. They are life to those who find them and health to one's whole body.” If you are listening to other things more than the Word of God, they tend to drain you. But if you're listening, most of all, for the truth and the love of God, they give you life.

You know, in our country, there's much anger. Much rage. And everywhere we go, we hear complaining and we hear great moaning about the way things are, and rightly so, because things aren't great. But if we're continually filling our minds with all that complaining, anger and rage and all of that, they're going to drown out God's word!

Finding Guidance and Renewal in the Word of God

Turn your ear to the Word of God. Turn your ear to the good news about God throughout your day, when all sorts of other voices enter into your mind telling you what to believe in and what to say and how to act. Come back always to the words of God that you've heard through the Bible, through good teachings, and let them guide your way. They bring life and health to people like you and I.


Guard Your Heart


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