What Suffering Achieves

What Suffering Achieves

I mentioned on Monday that this book Tortured For His Faith was disturbing. And truly some of the things that this poor man went through were unspeakably awful. The cruelty of which human beings are capable is sickening.

Popov's Faith and the Purpose of Suffering

But Popov’s faith was greater than their cruelty! And he writes this on page 22: “During the thirteen years and two months that I spent in prison I often wondered why God would allow such a thing to happen. The long period of self-examination helped me better to understand the Bible’s teaching that we must go through suffering to enter the kingdom of God. Paul and Barnabas told the disciples in Asia Minor, “we must go through much tribulation to enter into the kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22). The Apostle Peter says the same thing (1 Peter 1:6-7) “In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

Then Popov says this: “Man’s first natural reaction when looking at suffering is to think it is too hard to bear. We try to avoid it, but later we find that the suffering becomes of great value and is more precious than gold. Suffering was a fire which our churches had to undergo so that all that was hay and stubble would be burned up, leaving the pure gold shining more brightly than ever.”

This is quite a powerful point. For a man who went through the worst suffering to be able to say that he sees how God used it for good – that is incredible.

I pray that my faith, and yours, will also be as deep as this. That we won’t see suffering as punishment from God, but as an opportunity to stand firm for God and show Him to be the valuable treasure that He is – more valuable than our comfort and pleasure even.

Finding Strength in Suffering for Christ

At one point, Popov was being brutally beaten and tortured. He writes “I passed out and often collapsed. They revived me with a bucket of water and stood me up again, raining blows and curses on me. I felt nothing but fire, fire, burning fire from thirst and pain. Then God’s Word came to me in a flash: “All these things they will do unto you for my name’s sake” (John 15:21). “For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake” (Philippians 1:29). For His sake! For Christ’s sake! This glorious thought renewed my strength.”

Do you need renewed strength in face of your suffering, friends? Remember Popov. During a terrible beating he remembered that he would endure it for the sake of Christ. So that Christ would be show in his life.

Face your troubles and struggles today with a determination – a determination to show Christ’s glory through them. And like Popov, may you find new strength as you remember that suffering for Christ is a great privilege.


Prison Walls Speak God’s Word


God’s Presence in the Worst Times