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Steve Deneff More Than Forgiveness Devotion

The second basic human need that Steve DeNeff mentions in his book is the need for security.

Security is Big Business

He talks about how in America, fear is a big business. It sells you insurance and security alarms and political campaigns and guns and whatever else. And I thought, how true in South Africa as well, where I live. We are afraid in South Africa much of the time because of the crime and because of what's going on here.

Fear of Exposure

But more than this, DeNeff notes, we all have a fear of being exposed, of being seen for who we truly are. He says “the unsettling question to modern people is not what to think about God, but what God must be thinking about them as He watches them in silence.” And he says, “the answer that one gives himself at that moment will determine the whole course of his life. If he is at peace with this question, nothing can bother him for long. If he's not, if he's made to feel like an object - naked, observed and dispensable - he will become restless.”

Fight of Flight

And so many of us learn to deal with our fear of God by fight or flight. We will either argue with God or we try to avoid him and ignore him completely. We try to redefine him - fight him for who he truly is - or avoid him and just say, no, he doesn't exist.

God Speaks to Our Fears

Into this world of fear, God speaks! And through the cross, through God's making us holy through the cross, we can conquer our fear and find that our need for security is completed in God.

God often told people not to fear in the Bible.
Genesis 1 - “Do not be afraid. I am your shield”.
2 Chronicles 20:15 - “Do not be afraid. The battle is not yours, but God's.”
Luke 1:13 - “Do not be afraid, the angel said to Mary, your prayer has been heard.”
The angel said to the disciples outside the empty tomb, “Do not be afraid. Jesus has risen just as he said.”

Faith Replaces Fear

And so instead of fear being expelled, it is replaced by new belief, a belief that God has conquered. God is not going to get rid of all the reasons that we have to fear. God's not going to get rid of the dangers in this world so that we never have to worry about being hurt or anything like that. But He promises that we can be held safe in Him and that ultimately we can trust in Him, for He will work everything for good.

Do you need security? Find security for your soul by drawing nearer to your Father and embracing Him and the work that He's done for you.


WHOLLY Innocent


WHOLLY Significant