He Will Not Leave Me in the Grave

The Lord is My Salvation devotion

Now the fifth verse of the song The Lord is My Salvation is very touching. Listen to these words that talk about our eternal hope:

And when I reach my final day
He will now leave me in the grave
But I will rise, He will call me home
The Lord is my salvation!

Assurance of Salvation

The other day in our Bible study one of the people was saying that she knows somebody who is terrified of her eternal destination, so scared that she missed it somehow, even though she's placed her faith in God. Scared, terrified that maybe she's got it wrong. And I wonder if it's the result of very aggressive preaching, ‘scare tactics’ type of preaching that has made her feel this way.

But I love in this verse how the songwriter seems assured! “When I reach my final day, he will not leave me in the grave, but I will rise. He will call me home. The Lord is my salvation.” There's a sense of assurance here.

Children of God can have assurance. Assurance of their eternal destination. It's not a case of “Well I hope I'll reach it someday, if I'm good enough.” No, it's a case of “I've been saved. Jesus pulled me from the raging sea” (remember verse 1?) and so I am saved by him. And one day I'll meet him and it'll be his grace that has saved me. Not anything that I've done.”

Assurance of Meeting Lost Loved Ones Again

Maybe you need to remember this for people who've already died in your life. Those whose loss you are still mourning, still grieving. Do you need to remember today that with their faith in Christ, they were not left in the grave but called home? What a day it will be when we reach our final day and breathe our last and also rise and are also called home, and are reunited with those who have left us already!

But friends, the Lord is our salvation. The only way that we will have that glorious moment of being reunited is if the Lord - God - is our salvation. If we put our trust in Jesus and what He did as our way in, we will rise again and be called home in another world. if our faith is in Christ and if we've relied on Him alone to save us.

Sing with joy today “the Lord is my salvation, and so I will see life after death because Jesus is my Savior.”


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