The Fire of the Holy Spirit

In Luke 12:49 Jesus says words that are words we don't really like to hear! Because he said “I have come to bring fire on the earth and how I wish it were already kindled!”

What does that mean? This is not like the gentle and meek Jesus we like to talk about. Here's a man talking about a fire kindling on the earth.

There are many different pictures of fire in the Bible. Perhaps he was talking about one of these fires.

Baptism of Fire

It's quite likely that he was talking about the fire of the Holy Spirit that would kindle and burn in the hearts of those believers on Earth. John, in fact, had prophesied that Jesus would bring a baptism of fire - Matthew 3: 11, if you want to look it up.

And so in chapter two, the disciples, as you know, on the day of Pentecost, were together in one place, and then tongues of fire separated and came to rest on each of them. And they began to speak in different languages as they were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Fiery Enthusiasm

This fire of the Holy Spirit filled their hearts. This picture of fire landing on them, anointing them, is a picture of the Holy Spirit’s power as the source of their gifts, and then making them bold and burning and enthusiastic followers of Jesus Christ. They were not meek and mild. They were passionate.

And isn't this what Jesus wanted for his people to be filled with fire? That doesn't mean that they're angry. Doesn't mean that they yell at everybody and attack anybody. But it means that they were passionate. They were enthusiastic about the call on their lives.

A Fire Lit Under You

Do you need the fire of the Holy Spirit in your life? We talk about having a fire lit under you to get you going - do you need the fire of the Holy Spirit lit under you so that you can get going and do what God is calling you to do?

Jesus came to bring fire on the earth and He certainly came to bring fire to your soul through the Holy Spirit. And so I pray today that there’ll be a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit on those who listen. For you listening today, will you open your heart and let the fire of the Holy Spirit follow you? And then will you kindle the fire of the Holy Spirit in your life by constantly praying for more power, constantly praying for more anointing, constantly praying for the supernatural touch of God in your life.

Imagine how the earth would change if all the believers were fiery and filled with the Spirit's power.


The Fire of Judgement


Glory Be to God the Father, Spirit and Son